Fintech GmbH

Since 2004, Fintech GmbH has been the Niedax Group specialist for aluminium protective conduits, lighting rails and wiring ducts.

Fintech aluminium products are used in ambient conditions so harsh – for example in electrical systems exposed to moisture, vapours or gases – that other materials such as steel are not an option. This is often the case in the paper and chemical industries, in sewage treatment plants, in industrial facilities near the sea, in waste incineration plants and in tunnels. In other words, wherever rust is to be avoided at all costs!

By acquisition of FM-Systemrohr GmbH & Co. KG, Niedax Group makes a new pipe system available. This system is about socket pipes. These pipes are widened adequately at the pipe’s ends in industrial manufacturing in order to enable a positively insert for the next pipe without tools and additional construction parts. Former sockets which were needed to be screwed or to slide at the pipe’s end are not necessary anymore which means a shorter duration of installation. For laying of the pipes neither connection parts are needed nor the related transportation to the place of assembly. The positive fit is more effective since no additional construction parts will be used. The pipes are manufactured in stainless steel, hot dipped galvanized steel and aluminum.



  • Aluminium protective conduits
  • Aluminium lighting rails
  • Aluminium wiring ducts
  • Connection systems and socket pipe systems made in aluminum,
  • Hot-dipped galvanized steel and stainless steel
  • Aluminium armatures


Fintech GmbH
Asbacher Straße 141
53545 Linz/Rhein

+49 (0) 2644 56 06-0
+49 (0) 2644 56 06-13